Make the internet your research laboratory.
Set up the workflow for your research study once and reuse it any time.
Integrate with Amazon Mechanical Turk and Qualtrics or your preferred tools.
Use a wide variety of participants or provide your own
You can use students in your lab, participants in different laboratories, Amazon MTurkers or any other online participants.
Choose from a wealth of exercises or build your own
Choose from hundreds of DRRC, Harvard PON cases and adapt them for your research study or build your own role play easily
Assign roles, make pairings, record video chats between participants
Participants receive their role information and pairings automatically
Integrate Qualtrics surveys or build any survey or quiz in our platform
iDecisionGames allows you to custom build your surveys and have all your data in one place. Or you can integrate with your preferred survey tool such as Qualtrics or SurveyMonkey.
View and download the data
View and analyze the data using our advanced visualization tools or download it as a csv file. Even the video recordings are available for download.